Wednesday, 18 August 2010



  1. Wow! I like the design of your blue and cute bike. You know what, I have my bike here, red in color; I used it when I have my duty during 3:00 o'clock (dawn). As a working student, i clean my area every dawn for me to have time to study in the afternoon and to attend the class. You know what, i enjoy watching your blog! Amazing!!! By the way, where is your photo? I mean pictures of yourself? It seems that you are so anonymous! Can I see your SMILE please... Can I see it next time; if it's okay for you, if not then,everything will be alright There's no problem... I do understand your privacy friend...

  2. nice work my brother machae allah
    a gift for u

  3. good work dude, love the bike, need one like this !!

  4. WOW great work! Very well done!

  5. holy shit you are talented... anything i do would look like cave paintings compared to yours...

  6. Are all these designs yours?! :O
    They are excellent, well done is an understatement for your work!!

  7. Hi friend! You know what, I'm so afraid of the guns and bullets! IT LOOKS SO STRANGE!!!!!! I really have my phobia when we talk all about guns, blood, bullets..... SO SCARY!!!!!

  8. they all look real.
    Did you do all this?
